HSRT’s 6th Annual Business Meeting & Live Lecture Presentations
Please review the 11/08/2020 and 04/10/2021 meeting minutes and the agenda for the upcoming HSRT’s 6th Annual Business Meeting which will be held virtually on July 10, 2021 at 1:00PM Hawaii Time. Registration for the meeting and the live lecture presentations to follow is now open. However, please be sure to renew your HSRT membership […]
Membership Renewal Due 06/30/2021!
Please be sure to renew your membership by 06/30/2021! If you have not received an e-mail with the renewal information, please be sure to update your contact information or e-mail jnakaoka@HawaiiSRT.org directly. To pay for your renewal, go to our Square page and scroll down to “Active Membership Renewal” and click on the “Select” button […]
SBI Makes Recommendations for Mammography Patients Who Have Taken a COVID-19 Vaccine
On January 22, 2021 the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) published recommendations with regard to patients who have recently taken a COVID-19 vaccination and mammography, specifically addressing the management of patients with axillary adenopathy and the timing of screening mammograms. These recommendations can be found on page 2 of this document.
Nominations are Open for President!
Nominations are now open for President. Nominees must have been a member of the HSRT for 2 years. Please submit your nominations here. Please be sure to use the e-mail address on file with the HSRT. If you are interested, you may nominate yourself as well!!
2nd Draft Revision of HSRT Bylaws
Due to numerous factors, the revised bylaws were not voted on at today’s Annual Business Meeting. Please review the 2nd draft revision of the HSRT Bylaws and provide comments below or email to jnakaoka@HawaiiSRT.org. Two documents are available for review, a “clean” version and one showing all of the new “mark up“ since Draft 1. […]
Draft Revision of HSRT Bylaws
Please review the draft revision of the HSRT Bylaws which are to be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, 11/08/2020. Two documents are available for review, a “clean” version and one showing all of the “edits“.
2020 Special Meeting of the ASRT House of Delegates
Congratulations to the ASRT for successfully conducting its first virtual House of Delegates meeting this morning! I would also like to extend a big mahalo to all the delegates who particpated, paticularly Larry Carnes who joined me in representing the HSRT bright and early at 5AM Hawai’i time! The only actionable item on the agenda […]
November 22 meeting and free credit seminar
There will be a free 1 credit seminar on Elder Abuse by Jodi Nakaoka before a business meeting. KCC Diamond Head Campus, Kuala rm 104. 5:30pm registration and business meeting at 7:00pm